Thanks everyone! Plans for 0.1.1a

Thank you to everyone who has played and supported my game!

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Currently, Iโ€™m working on the 0.1.1a update, which will include:

โœ… - done.
๐Ÿ› ๏ธ - in progress.
โŒ - not done.

* โœ… complete overhaul of Vore
* โŒ completed Electromancy skill tree
* โŒ completed Predator skill tree
* โŒ character editor
* โŒ Personality traits for characters
* โŒ Improved VFX for certain abilities
* ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Fixes for some bugs and crashes
* โŒ New clothes and weapons

Get Wild Dawn


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cool bomb

i love this game so far, just wish there were a bit more species types and a way to get eaten yourself :3 overall this is some great progress!!!